choose marketing channels business

19 April 2019

Which marketing channels to choose when you begin your business?

Be visible when you start your business helps you get your first customers and continually find new ones. However, it’s not so easy to determine which channels of communication to use first. Not to mention that the entrepreneur beginner has about 1012 things to do when he starts his business 🤯. So happens a vital question: which marketing channels to choose when you begin your business?

About a year ago, I made the decision to become a freelancer. Although I prepared a lot of things upstream and I was well informed about everything I had to do, the nights were short and the doubts were present.

Between the administrative creation which is the official birth of any company, the financial aspect, the organization to set up and ensure its own visibility, it is not always easy to determine priorities.

If I cannot give you advice on all aspects of business creation, I can help you to see more clearly in marketing.

A website, many social networks, flyers, a business card, networking, print or digital advertising, a newsletter, a professional blog, etc., the possibilities are considerable while the time of the novice entrepreneur is not.

In this article, I will answer the question asked by many entrepreneurs that I meet: which marketing channels to choose when you begin your business?

Marketing channel N° 1: a Website

Answer this question: what do you do first when somebody talk to you about a new restaurant, a new store, a company you don’t know? You take out your magic keyboard and go to Google. Here you have your answer.

A thoughtful, clear and simple website gives a professional image of your business and gives confidence to your future clients.

In my opinion, this is the first channel of communication on which to work and invest. Invest? Yes, even if there are software or platforms to make websites all alone and for free, I advise you to work with a pro.

For what reasons? On the one hand, because your business will evolve and on the technical level these platforms show limits to the evolution of your website and, on the other hand, for SEO. Should I mention the time you will save when it comes to solving technical problems?

Another thing: a Facebook page is not enough either! In Asia (where I am), many small businesses have only one Facebook page. Even if I know that often is a question of budget, it makes me think rather of a big lack of will. Today, creating a website is not unaffordable anymore…

However, if for you this task seems insurmountable, I am here to help you. And in the meantime, I advise you to read these two articles: To do list before creating or restructure your website and 10 secret of a webdesigner. They should already put you on the right track.

Marketing channel N° 2: Networking

This marketing channel allowed me and still allows me to find customers regularly. I started talking about the launch of my activity around me about 6 months before its official creation.

Initially, it was to do some kind of small market research. Then, the more the creation approached, the more I had concrete requests for quotes and even some prospects who waited for my official opening to give me their projects.

Even if I trained my mind with the idea to wait for the phone to ring and count the minutes passing by looking at my ceiling, I start working immediately.

If you are not comfortable with networking, start already with your close entourage and your professional contacts. You will be able to practice and gain confidence in yourself. In addition, it will also allow you to make your business creation concrete. Just in case you still have a doubt😊.

I also give you plenty of tips to be the star of networking, in case you are like me and not feeling at home in these kind of events. For the moment.

Marketing channel N° 3: a Business card

In connection with the previous point, I urge you to create a business card as soon as you set your graphic line where you can put an email address (even temporary) and a phone number.

You may tell me that you have never distributed one of your whole life. When I was employed, that was the case for me, too. It’s a cultural question. In Asia, for example, this is the first thing we will ask you as I explain in my article Why to pay attention to your business card?

Asia is not your market target? Perfect, but still think about the business card if you have decided to participate in networking events. Depending on your type of business, the business card is more elegant than a swap of numbers. And it’s a good way for your logo to be known…

Marketing channel N° 4: Emailing or Newsletter

It’s an inexpensive, efficient and fast way to announce to everyone you know or have met once that you opened your business or will do it soon. It’s a bit of an extension of networking or a kind of digital networking.

Technically speaking, you have at your disposal various platforms such as the well known Mailchimp, Mailpoet or Mailerlite, among others, which allow you to send newsletters or emailings for free up to a number of contacts.

And in terms of design, these tools allow you to make pretty custom layouts that can be adapted to your graphic line.

In short, you just have to think about the content and write it.

Marketing channel N° 5: Social networks

In fact, I should rather write one chapter for each social network. If social media are a quick and inexpensive way (though!) to be known, you must think carefully before start a presence.

Yes, because to get results, you have to be regular, publish relevant content and that interest your target. And before you even think of a strategy and an editorial calendar that will help you to realize what I just mentioned, you have to choose which social networks is good for your business.

Anyway, keep in mind that the results and management of social networks have nothing to do with those of the beginning of the millennium. Having meaningful social media results for your business requires work. Not just opening your wallet or posting a post.

Marketing channel N° 6: a professional Blog

Yes, it’s part of your website. But a blog needs its own strategy. That’s why I made an isolated point only for this channel.

What are the advantages?

  • Prove your expertise
  • Bring traffic to your website
  • Bring new things to your website (which is good for SEO!)
  • Promote your services
  • Stand out in your field of activity, etc.

As for social networks, keeping a blog requires regularity and work. But it is an investment that, well managed, can bring a lot of satisfaction to your company.

And if you do not feel the soul of an editor, I can help you create your strategy and write your blog posts.

And that’s all?

Absolutely! And it’s not bad, don’t you think? I remind you that we are talking about the beginning of your activity. This moment when you will still have many things to achieve and that will not all have a link with communication and marketing.

Besides, I would almost encourage you to start social networks and your professional blog in a second time. Or better, to get help from a freelancer.

And the other means of communication?

All channels of communication must be chosen according to your type of business, your objectives, your strategy or your budget. That’s why I put aside the more traditional means of communication such as the ad in the newspaper or the flyer which are more expensive.

However, that does not mean that they are uninteresting. On the contrary, especially if you have a regional company for example.

If you have doubts or questions, I am at your disposal to discuss your project.

BTW, welcome to the adventure of entrepreneurship!

choose marketing channels business

par Delphine Berclaz