The Company
The name
Why: This name has nothing to do with the famous The Police Message In a Bottle! Message In a Bottle was chosen to symbolize communication which crosses the oceans; a communication which travels.
But, if you need to send an SOS, I’ve got you covered!
The philosophy
Business has no borders. At Message In a Bottle, we firmly believe technology makes it possible to be close to our customers, even if we are located thousands of miles away. It’s so rewarding to work with companies and people all over the world.
Exchanging points of view and sharing cultural influences will improve the effectiveness of your communication; bringing you fresh ideas and solutions.
The structure
Freelance status is not equivalent everywhere, so we have embarked on the entrepreneurship adventure to pursue our dream of independence and mobility. This is why Message In a Bottle is a real company with the legal status of Private Limited = Pte. Ltd., officially registered: UEN: 201803691N.
However, the Freelance Spirit is still here.

Behind Message In a Bottle…
Basic storytelling
“Once I had a pencil in my hand I couldn’t stop writing. I wrote on any piece of paper lying around, including my father’s airline tickets (true story)! And reading opened up an extraordinary universe and expanded my love of words, still today.”
Knowledges is power. After studying Ancient Greek and Latin to understand the origins of my mother tongue and others, I obtained a Master of Arts in French Literature and History of Art at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). Ten years later, I returned to school and gained a DAS (Diploma of Advanced Studies) in Head of Communications at the University of Applied Science and Arts Western Switzerland (HEG) in Geneva.
I also studied at the Public University of Florence (Italy) obtaining several certificates for Communication Courses.
Good communication is a pleasure. Nothing is more frustrating than not be able to speak another language. Learning new languages expands knowledge and opportunities: not only to communicate, but to learn about new cultures and how best to work with others. I achieved this by attending language courses and living in different countries: Italian in Florence (Italy), Spanish in Antigua (Guatemala), English everywhere and, a long time ago, Germanin Heidelberg (Germany).
Now in Singapore I’m exploring the variety of Asian languages and cultural influences. My Hindi is a work in progress… stay tuned!
By joining my two passions, languages and visual arts, I have successfully worked in Communication for the last ten years.
To learn more, check my LinkedIn profile.
Breaking news: in 2019, Message In a Bottle has a new activity: YOGA. I obtained last July my certification as a yoga teacher (YTT 200) and I am teaching in Singapore. If you want to follow me as a Yoga teacher, check my Facebook Page and my Instagram.
But it’s not all just about work, I enjoy scuba-diving, running, exploring new food and traveling…