In my blogpost to do list of things to do before creating your website or remodeling it (soon in English I promise),I advised you to do a moodboard before going to talk about the design of your website with your webdesigner. But what is it exactly and how to create a moodboard? I give you all the answers.
And you’ll see, it’s not rocket science. It’s even more of a fun activity to do as long as you like creative activities.
What is a moodboard?
It is a kind of collection of visuals that can inspire and find its way before starting a graphic project itself.
A moodboard, how does it look?
Concretely, a moldboard takes the form of a collage, if you make it in paper version, or of a document photoshop, InDesign or other if you choose the digital version.
The content of a moodboard
What is a moodboard made of? A moodboard contains images, color palettes, phrases, words, textures, fonts, and so on. The content may differ depending on the project you think about by doing your moodboard.
If I take my example of moodboard for a website, it may also contain design examples from other websites.
Where find this content?
The sources can be multiple:
- your own photos
- artists or other creatives
- websites that you know
- quotes
That said, Pinterest is a gold mine for moodboards. In addition, there are a lot of concrete examples… What to be really inspired.
I have a Pinterest board called Moodboard where I put all the visuals that I meet on Pinterest and that inspire me. I also have another one dedicated to graphic design where there are many color palettes that I find interesting. Or not, by the way, to be able to have a global vision of what I like or not. So, the next time I have to do a moodboard, I might find something inspiring.
How to create a moodboard?
Here are the different steps that will help you establish your moodboard:
- Research for visuals: this is obviously the longest step. I advise you to spread it over several days, even weeks, so you can take a step back and not have eyes that blink. This is also the most interesting moment, because everything is allowed! We do not censor ourselves. We really take everything we like.
- Sorting: This is a crucial and complex step. Did you have fun at the first step? Perfect, now, it is necessary to take again its seriousness and to look at all these images while thinking of your goal. We keep in mind what your moodboard will be used for and select. You will soon realize that some images you like or intrigue you, but that you can not do anything for your graphic project. Put them on the side or hang them over your desk.
- Arrangement: you will place all the images selected to make a sort of patchwork that still has a certain unity or a certain aesthetic.
- Taking a step back: you leave your moodboard quiet for a few days. Then you take it back and ask yourself: is it really what I like, what I want, etc.? Always thinking about your goal.
- Finalization: you make the last retouches if necessary.
Result and benefits
All these steps will allow you to clarify your mind on what you want for the design of your project. Especially steps 2 and 3 sorting and arranging, because they require you to question, to tidy up and to purify your content.
Therefore, these steps will allow you to argue and show concretely what you want to achieve your project. There will be more than a small margin of error for your designer that is based more on personal taste.
It is true that doing a moodboard takes time, but it’s better to gain afterwards with your designer. He will have clear ideas and will be able to start on the right path from the beginning. And your work relationship will avoid the tensions often due to bad understandings or personal tastes too different.
Be creative!

par Delphine Berclaz